Taking the Leap - My Entrepreneurship Journey
I'm tired of working for other people. But Im NO fool. I embarked on entrepreneurship once before. At the time I wasn't well versed in side-hustles, time management, and other things that come with running a small business to know that I might want to consider starting there, creating a side-hustle before just up and leaving my full-time job. While I may see a bigger vision of myself which has me owning a Fortune 500 company and being consistently featured on the BE100's list - I have to crawl before I walk.
Right now I am doing the crawl, with high hopes of walking real tall by next Spring - if not sooner.
Most people leave their current job with their middle finger up in the air - "later for this shit" they say. And I get that. I have days where I leave my office feeling the exact same way. Most of my days are filled with seemingly endless work and meetings that are complex, rewarding, fun, and draining at the same.damn.time. The days are also filled with many personalities and departments, internal politics, limited resources and other things an average person might say NO to and walk away from.
I used to be an average person. However I have learned over the years to:
- Grow where I am planted
- Make opportunities happen
- Stay focused on my intentions and purpose
I believe the most critical thing that separates winners from losers is confidence. And even more powerful than regular confidence is Godconfidence. That's when you put on the FULL armor of God and let him begin a work in you. A work that ain't NOBODY stopping. You will receive a full portion of grace, glory, power and favor.
Check me out interviewing Common (Actor, Artist, Philanthropist) on behalf of Black Enterprise
I didn't always walk in such confidence. In order for me to start thinking that I was worthy of Gods love and favor (which he gives freely - the real shade) it took the help of various spiritual thinkers and leaders including: Bishop T.D. Jakes, Stewart Perrin, and Joyce Meyer. I also read DAILY devotionals by Iyanla Vanzant and The Daily Love's, Mastin Kipp.
I legit had to saturate myself in LOVE and build up my faith. At this point in my life, around 2011/2012 I wasn't really working. I had a couple of demanding PT jobs, if one can imagine having a demanding part-time job plus I was acting full-time, for pennies if any coins at all. I was keeping my time open in case I got my big break. My mom was handling the bulk of my bills and it was still hard for me to maintain inner peace and grow they way I could have.
I can look back now and say it wasn't my time. I was not ready to be an entrepreneur - that was what God was trying to show me. That and my gifts (acting, communication, writing) would make room for me. I just needed to recognize where I was and trust in him.
God doesn't like it when you don't rely on him.
Here I was getting every need met; I had food stamps, health insurance, household bills and student loans up to date AND I was listening to the word - all day, every day, bathing myself in it! I was even going to Yoga - for free through the studios work/study program. Yet I kept beating myself up. At this time I finally realized something else - I didn't have any tangible skills. Plus I did't know how to really work with a team. I had worked in "corporate america" before and for enough entrepreneurs that I learned how to move and how not to move. I learned what true leadership was and could be and many others things working closely with some of them. I even came to love working in an home office environment. So I had definitely been acquiring some wisdom over the years as well as learning how I'd want my professional life set up.
But there were many things that I still didn't know and I got placed back into the work force and not in a traditional way at all - it was divine. My path was ordered and delivered. It wasn't easy but I learned skills that I could build on. When its training for reigning one learns to shift the attitude, roll up those sleeves and get to hustling. But if there's one thing I know for sure its when its getting time for me to bounce. A sista knows her seasons. History has shown me that some of my take-offs are rocky which for me is an indicator that its time to prep for the next chapter.
At this time in my life I am making a change in my career, embarking once again on the road to entrepreneurship. I am very excited. I am very focused and laying the foundation for something I imagine and hope will be huge a media company - something thats around for a long time, an institution if you will. I NOW have a valuable skill set (social media marketing) and I have created a nice side-income from it. If I were not at my current 9-5 I would not have learned about side-hustles and how to make time for them, how to set up accounting for it, make strategic partnerships and there is even MORE to learn. For now I invite you to journey with me as I build my business Savage Social Media into my NEW 9-5! If you're on your own journey I'd love to learn more about what/how you're building it!