The People of Omo Valley, Cannabis, & Side-Hustle Success
“I’m trying to free your mind. But I can only show you the door. You’re the one that has to walk through it. ”
Last month was crazy busy. This month I decided to press the reset button and really focus on other ambitions. I've been wandering, wondering, and looking into the unknown in order to understand life's daily chaos.
Below is a round-up of what's got me riled up thus far.
August, Fresh Vibes
Originally I was just blown away by the Omo Valley people's use of natural resources for their fashion and beauty. The way they use nature to adorn themselves is breathtaking. I became awestruck like many others after seeing images of Omo Valley people on Pinterest. This beautiful dark skin with painted faces, and bodies wearing clothes made of plants and flowers. There are so many, many decadent moments floating across the web of the Omo Valley people. Despite all this glamour, the more I dug, the more I uncovered hardships Omo Valley people are really facing. One major issue negatively affecting them is the Gilgel Gibe III Dam.
“Gibe III Dam on the Omo River is holding back the flows needed by some 200,000 indigenous people in southern Ethiopia and northern Kenya to sustain their food production and livelihoods.”
The idea of the dam at first glance is admirable, the dam is "designed" to aid in the economic development within Ethiopia. However, the indigenous people living in the area where the dam now is, are being forcibly pushed out of their "protected" lands and more often than not, not compensated. I encourage you to learn more about these and other humanitarian rights issues affecting indigenous people across the globe. I started at Survival International.
SHIRLEY CHISOLM - To my recollection, I have never heard a Shirley Chisolm speech. But I've always been intrigued by her, such as her being the first woman and African American to run for the presidency. Also how hard she fought for programs like Head Start and how she took the Regan administration to task for their mistreatment of minorities and the poor. I took some time over the weekend to listen to a speech she gave in 1983. It's such a shame that much of the bullshit people of color and minorities faced back then are still happening today. America, we can be better!
Colombia’s New, Legal Drug Barons Focus on Medical Marijuana (NY Times)
Last year, President Juan Manuel Santo overhauled Columbia's 30-year-old drug laws - the new laws allow commercial cultivation, processing, and export of medicinal marijuana products (oils and creams)
Authorities believe the new law will attract investors, and give the economy a lift
In 2014 PharmaCielo a Canadian company became the first company in Columbia to receive a license from the government to manufacture cannabis products
Last month two other companies were granted production licenses
PharmaCielo anticipates producing a gram of marijuana for around 5 cents - that same amount cost about 10 times as much to produce in the Unites States and Canada
PharmaCielo estimates they could be managing 600 acres of active cultivation within two years - once they get all the right licenses
“Ultimately, this has the ability to be a global marketplace measured in the billions. ”
The Side Hustle Show
Ever since I started investing in building my side-hustle(s) I have been finding the best resources to inform and keep me inspired. I came across The Side Hustle Show a few weeks ago and ever since that time I've been bingeing on all the episodes! Every side-hustle subject and angle is covered from affiliate marketing to professional blogging, making money as a voice over actor, all kinds of gems! This was one of those resources that I sent to my friends, boyfriend, and siblings. Abundance for everyone!
I also made a Pinterest board for 'August, Fresh Vibes' with more images from Omo Valley and more. Take a look here! I plan to keep adding to the board and possibly do this kind of post monthly!