Setting the Right Goals
ELEVATE | March 2019
Goals to elevate the mind and body 💪🏾
Setting the Right Goals
Hello March!
This months theme is ELEVATE. If you don’t know, I love to theme my months and days. As an entrepreneur themes help guide me through my business. While I need to improve some processes, the general themes have been helpful in my maintaining any sense of sanity. The truth of the matter is entrepreneurship is hard af. It’s extremely stressful, time consuming and can be lonely. However as someone who is pretty resilient, and comes from a family of entrepreneurs I embrace this journey and always seek out new ways to improve how I operate.
Over the last couple of months I have been doing more acting. I’ve gone on some commercial auditions, haven’t booked anything yet! But, I have booked a lot of background work. In fact I am booked this upcoming week for two shows! On top of acting, my work in the cannabis industry is expanding. More speaking engagements and other opportunities to create content are opening up. EstroHaze is also growing with a relaunch of our Patreon with exclusive content and the launch of our consulting arm for aspiring cannaprenuers.
While I love the variety of work I do, its draining. My days are extremely full and I am not spending much time outside of my home office, and I didn’t really visit my family last year. Honestly if people didn’t come to NYC, like to my house — then I probably didn’t see them.
Honestly, I’m ashamed.
And I’ve decided I don’t want to live like that anymore. I want to enjoy life and that means continuous elevation. Lately I have been contemplating my personal brand and evaluating how I show up in the world. Life is just to short to live haphazardly, and if I am to have a platform I want to be my best.
5 goals to adopt anytime of the year
Since it’s the last month of the 1st quarter of the year and I’ve had some time to step back and access wtf I am doing in these streets, I felt I’d share my list of goals for the remainder of the year. These goals are centered on elevating my mind/body and are in no particular order.
1. Read More Books - At least one per month. I started reading This is Marketing by Seth Godin last month and I should be done with it by this time next week. Its really begun to get meaty with marketing tactics and I am really enjoying reading this book. As a marketer I am constantly looking for ways to elevate my game, I also share my findings so others can do the same.
2. Eradicate Stress - Eradicate might be a bit dramatic but it’s the truth. With so much going on and a schedule that varies from week to week stress is at an all time high. But that ain’t cute. The only way to reduce the stress is honestly through fitness, so I plan to up the exercise - at least following the doctors advice of 3x per week at 30min. I am a big fan of YouTube fitness videos and after browsing through a list of morning routines from other female entrepreneurs I realized the only thing that matters is getting the workout in. Aside from having a sickening body for the summer months I want to keep my mind clear and getting tensions out through exercising really, really helps.
3. Drink More Water - While my water intake has increased, it could be better. No doubt about it. I want supple, glowing skin and water is the absolute key to unlocking this skin I desire. Not to mention all the other important benefits of water like flushing out those kidneys, weight lost, improved energy. Chile please…the benefits are endless.
4. Take Advantage of New York - (inspired by this post) To live in such a culturally diverse and exciting city I do a piss-poor job of taking advantage of being here. The amount of museums, pop up exhibits, and other cultural spots that I’ve neglected to visit due to my many excuses, has led to me becoming a major hermit and only focusing on work. If my partner didn’t invite me out, or if I didn’t have cannabiz obligations to attend to I’d stay in the crib.
5. Improve My Communication Skills - As someone that consults and teaches for a living you would think I’ve mastered this skill. But the last couple of years really stepping into entrepreneurship has challenged me in how I communicate with myself and others. I want to be clear and concise and above all compassionate towards others when they’re expressing themselves. Often everyone is fighting to be heard — when we should all just shut the fuck up — listen to the other person first, digest it, and then respond. Since I don’t think it’d be effective to communicate to someone like that, I will be seeking out a new therapist, as my old one doesn’t take my current gov’t issued insurance. I believe this will help me improve and evaluate my communication and coping skills.
I am willing to do whatever it takes elevate my life in all the right ways. As I mentioned before, life is to short to live small. In order to play in larger arenas it’s important that I discipline myself and these are basic things I can do to improve the quality of my life which will impact my business and relationships for the better.
Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.
— Jim Rohn